Sunday, May 30, 2010

the little girl..

She with her coiled hair ,

Ran through the backyard,

I ve not seen any friends with her,

She was lonesome in the garden,

But she seemed so exultant and naughty,

Her eyes shined like pearls,

She was running after a petite sweet dragon fly ,

The fly sat in the flora,

Se with her tiny hands tried to grapple the fly,

But not at all seemed tired or discontented,

Finally with her playful hands she clenched the fly,

By holding it in one hand,

The little cheerful girl,

Obtained a small thread from her white small frock,

Tied at one end of the fly,

And made it to fly in her hands,

Curious was her actions,

she unrestricted the little fly after her plays,

and walked leisurely into her home,

keeping the same spirt somewhere inside…


  1. every bdy knows the coiled hair gal... :)

  2. I visited your blog through your orkut profile...I dont understand some other poems becoz they are in other language..This one is really Nice Poem.
